Sunday 8 January 2012

So relaxing~

Inferno Profile Pic

Inferno Someras

I went out to the Star’s Cliff this evening. Just to look at the stars. Why aren’t I up there? It’d be so much easier. I really don’t like it down here.

Maybe I can go up to the Sanctuary one day. If I finally do all this heroic stuff, maybe that’s what Reyara wanted.

I really hope.

Saturday 7 January 2012


Blayz Profile Pic

Blayz Evera

Your damned scientists are idiots. Quantum physics are my pet freaking dog.

Make them come to me. I’ll force a few braincells in there.

Friday 6 January 2012


Inferno Profile Pic

Inferno Someras

I’m actually kind of glad I got to check the page before I went to sleep finally. Now I’ll have to remember the old one eye open trick.

…How in the world am I meant to sleep like that? I mean, don’t your eyes sort of lose focus? And the eye I leave open would get really dry…

…Why did surviving get so complicated?

Ooooh it’s night time~

Frosty Profile Pic


I wonder if I can sneak up on little Infy in his sleep… Eheh. That’ll be fun. I’d have to wake him up first, though. I hate it when they can’t scream.

Damnit, when did killing a person get so complicated?


Blayz Profile Pic

I think somebody is forgetting the definition of the word “Brief”. I’m just saying, I am a complete genius and all, but I shouldn’t have to be the one filling in brain cells.

And for the record, I was never asked. I was forced.

A brief introduction

Good day.

I was incredibly bored whilst waiting for my book to be edited by my amazing girlfriend, and had the idea that I’d do something like this, either on a discussion board or a blog.

Well, I did it on a blog.

Basically, what’s going to happen here is that I’m going to let the fantasy world of The Ireza’s Rise (my to-be-published work) flow out in to here. The way it’s going to be set up is simple. I’m going to "ghost-write” (yeah, that’s a real thing) their posts using their profile pictures (generously drawn by my amazing girlfriend) and names above their posts…

Why am I doing this? In truth, I have no idea, but seeing them all do this is actually a giggle to me, and I get to connect with the characters a lot more, which is probably less crazy than you think.

Obviously I can’t include –every- character right away, as my girlfriend has too much on her plate right now. However, the more she eventually manages to do, the more varied the pot will be.

I do have to warn you, however, that much of what gets said here will likely bear absolutely no relevance to the timeline of the story whatsoever. In the case that it does, be prepared for spoilers if you haven’t read my full works. Be happy that I won’t be posting anything that will be included in books that I –haven’t- written yet!

Just so you know, the following are the four characters who have generously offered their services prior to the blog’s official launch (the day I get published). They’re also the only four that I’ve asked, and the only four my girlfriend has drawn so far.


Inferno Profile Pic

Inferno Someras, our “main” character. I say main because he’s probably going to be the most convoluted and the story seems to focus on him much more… To be honest, I don’t like saying main character.
He’s only 11 in this picture. Be nice!

Frosty Profile Pic

Our good friend “Frosty”, who quite humorously looks like he’s eyeing up Inferno with his good old bloodthirsty stare. Feel free to abuse him. He can’t hurt you here. He deserves it.

Blayz Profile Pic

Don’t ask why his eyes are going funny. Nobody questions Blayz because… Well, nobody dares.

He’ll hit you. I swear. He’ll find a way. I’m actually more scared of Blayz than I am of Frosty.

Flaime Profile Pic

And the ever enigmatic Flaime. ‘nuff said.


Well, I hope you’re all looking forward to this as much as I am!

Remember to comment away!